Ithaca Bassooniversity Reed Making
Students are required to make blanks and finished reeds monthly. All finishing work is done by hand.
If you purchase quality cane, practice cane selection, and use Dr. S's preventative formation and scraping techniques, this is not only possible, but effortless.
Quality is defined on an individual basis according to degree and level of advancement.
Individual quality changes each semester.
"Reed Lab" is held weekly in the Ithaca Bassooniversity Studio.
This time is an opportunity to work along-side Dr. S and each other.
Learn through observation, communication, and interactive feedback.
If you purchase quality cane, practice cane selection, and use Dr. S's preventative formation and scraping techniques, this is not only possible, but effortless.
Quality is defined on an individual basis according to degree and level of advancement.
Individual quality changes each semester.
"Reed Lab" is held weekly in the Ithaca Bassooniversity Studio.
This time is an opportunity to work along-side Dr. S and each other.
Learn through observation, communication, and interactive feedback.
Course Breakdown

"You can perform on
old reeds ...
but not in tune,
in timbre, or in time!"
--Dr. S